Unit 4: Electrical Load

Question 7

A generating station has a maximum demand of 20 MW, a load factor of 60%, a plant capacity factor of 48% and a plant use factor of 80% . Find :
  1. The daily energy produced
  2. The reserve capacity of the plant
  3. The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running all the time
  4. The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule.

Provide your response in the comment section using your surname and last two digit of your matriculation number as your identity (e.g. Abacus20)

Click here to like and follow the E-Learning Community on Facebook for more interactive practices and discussions with peers and instructor.

Feel free to tag your engineering friends and hashtag other social networks and learning websites.


  1. Given:
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

  2. 1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh

  3. 1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh

  4. Given:
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

  5. Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

  6. Folahan.Michael.3112 October 2019 at 07:29

    Given that
    Maximum demand for a generating station = 20MW(20000)
    Load factor = 60%(0.6)
    Plant capacity factor = 48%(0.48)
    Plant use favtor = 80%(0.8)

    Question 1
    The daily energy produced is
    Average demand =load factor ×maximum demand which is 0.6×20000= 120000KW
    So therefore 120000KW×24h= 288000KW

    Question 2
    Reserve capacity of the plant
    Plant capacity factor = average load /installed capacity, where installed capacity = 120000/0.48= 25000KW
    Therefore Reserve capacity of the plant =25000- 20000= 5000KW

    Question 3
    The maximum energy produced daily if the plant was running all the time = installed capacity ×24h which is 25000×24= 600000KW/h

    Question 4
    Maximum energy produced daily if plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule is
    plant use factor = Actual energy produced/ plant use factor
    Therefore 288000/08= 360000KW.

    1. Solution.
      Load factor=average load÷ Max load
      0.6=average load÷20MW
      Average load= 12MW
      Plant capacity factor=average load÷installed capacity
      0.48=12MW÷installed capacity
      Installed capacity=25MW
      1.daily energy prodeuced=average load× 24
      2. The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load
      3 The maximum energy daily when the plant running all the time(day 24h).
      = Installed capacity× 24
      = 600MW
      4. Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× no of hour that the plant has been in operation
      0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)

  7. Load factor = 0.6
    Max. demand =20 MW
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    P.C.F = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200÷0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

  8. Formula
    Load factor=average load÷ Max load
    0.6=average load÷20MW
    Average load= 12MW
    Plant capacity factor=average load÷installed capacity
    0.48=12MW÷installed capacity
    Installed capacity=25MW

    1.daily energy prodeuced=average load× 24

    2. The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load

    3 The maximum energy daily when the plant running all the time(day 24h).
    = Installed capacity× 24
    = 600MW

    4. Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× no of hour that the plant has been in operation
    0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)

    1. Ugele1059
      Load factor=average load÷ Max load
      0.6=average load÷20MW
      Average load= 12MW
      Plant capacity factor=average load÷installed capacity
      0.48=12MW÷installed capacity
      Installed capacity=25MW

      1.daily energy prodeuced=average load× 24

      2. The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load

      3 The maximum energy daily when the plant running all the time(day 24h).
      = Installed capacity× 24
      = 600MW

      4. Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× no of hour that the plant has been in operation
      0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)

  9. 1) Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW
    2. The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load

    3 The maximum energy daily when the plant running all the time(day 24h).
    = Installed capacity× 24
    = 600MW

    4 4. Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× no of hour that the plant has been in operation
    0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)

  10. Solution
    Given that
    Maximum demand for a generating station = 20MW(20000)
    Load factor = 60%(0.6)
    Plant capacity factor = 48%(0.48)
    Plant use favtor = 80%(0.8)

    Question 1 Solution
    The daily energy produced is
    Average demand =load factor ×maximum demand which is 0.6×20000= 120000KW
    So therefore 120000KW×24h= 288000KW

    Question 2 Solution
    Reserve capacity of the plant
    Plant capacity factor = average load /installed capacity, where installed capacity = 120000/0.48= 25000KW
    Therefore Reserve capacity of the plant =25000- 20000= 5000KW

    Question 3 Solution
    The maximum energy produced daily if the plant was running all the time = installed capacity ×24h which is 25000×24= 600000KW/h

    Question 4 Solution
    Maximum energy produced daily if plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule is
    plant use factor = Actual energy produced/ plant use factor
    Therefore 288000/08= 360000KW.

  11. Solution
    Given that
    Maximum demand for a generating station = 20MW(20000)
    Load factor = 60%(0.6)
    Plant capacity factor = 48%(0.48)
    Plant use favtor = 80%(0.8)

    Question 1 Solution
    The daily energy produced is
    Average demand =load factor ×maximum demand which is 0.6×20000= 120000KW
    So therefore 120000KW×24h= 288000KW

    Question 2 Solution
    Reserve capacity of the plant
    Plant capacity factor = average load /installed capacity, where installed capacity = 120000/0.48= 25000KW
    Therefore Reserve capacity of the plant =25000- 20000= 5000KW

    Question 3 Solution
    The maximum energy produced daily if the plant was running all the time = installed capacity ×24h which is 25000×24= 600000KW/h

    Question 4 Solution
    Maximum energy produced daily if plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule is
    plant use factor = Actual energy produced/ plant use factor
    Therefore 288000/08= 360000KW.


  12. Given parameters:
    *Maximum demand for a generating station : 20MW(20000).
    *Load factor : 60%(0.6).
    *Plant capacity factor : 48%(0.48).
    *Plant use factor : 80%(0.8).

    >Load factor=average load÷ Max load
    0.6=average load÷20MW
    >Average load= 12MW
    Plant capacity factor=average load÷installed capacity
    0.48=12MW÷installed capacity;
    Installed capacity=25MW

    1. The daily energy produced

    ° daily energy produced=average load× 24
    2. The reserve capacity of the plant
    ° The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load
    3. ° The maximum energy that could be produced if the plant is running all the time i.e (day 24h).
    = Installed capacity× 24
    = 600MW
    4. The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule.
    ° Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× number of hour's that the plant has been in operation.
    0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)
    The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule(X) is 360MWh.

  13. Load factor = 0.6
    Max. demand =20 MW
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    P.C.F = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200÷0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

    1. GIVENS:
      Maximum demand =20MW
      Load Factor=60%=0.6
      Plant Capacity Factor=48%=0.48
      Pant Use Factor=80%=0.8
      1 Unit Gen (daily)=Ave. demand x 24hrs
      Where>> Ave. demand = L.F x max demand=0.6 x 20MW=12MW
      Therefore>> Unit Gen (daily) = 12MW x 24hrs = 288000kWh
      2 Reserve Capacity = Plant Capacity – max demand
      Where plant capacity= Ave. demand/Plant cap factor = 12MW/0.48 = 25MW
      Therefore >> Reserve Capacity = 25MW – 20MW = 5MW
      3 Max Energy Produced if running in all time = 25MW x 24hr = 600000kWh
      4 Maxi energy produced fully loaded if running per schedule = Actual energy produced/plant use factor = 288000kWh/0.8 = 360,000kWh

  14. RIBE
    Unit 4: Electrical Load
    on October 11, 2019

    Question 7

    A generating station has a maximum demand of 20 MW, a load factor of 60%, a plant capacity factor of 48% and a plant use factor of 80% . Find :
    The daily energy produced
    The reserve capacity of the plant
    The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running all the time
    The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule.

    Provide your response in the comment section using your surname and last two digit of your matriculation number as your identity (e.g. Abacus20)

    Click here to like and follow the E-Learning Community on Facebook for more interactive practices and discussions with peers and instructor.

    Feel free to tag your engineering friends and hashtag other social networks and learning websites.


    BAMIKOLE2212 October 2019 at 01:45
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr


    http://astoldpost.blogspot.com/12 October 2019 at 09:21

    ADEYEMI0612 October 2019 at 03:58
    1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh


    Olusanya.4912 October 2019 at 06:12
    1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh

  15. 1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh

  16. Given that
    Maximum demand for a generating station = 20MW(20000)
    Load factor = 60%(0.6)
    Plant capacity factor = 48%(0.48)
    Plant use factor = 80%(0.8)

    1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our average load, we use the relation, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh

  17. 1. The daily energy produced

    ° daily energy produced=average load× 24
    2. The reserve capacity of the plant
    ° The reserved capacity =installed capacity- Max load
    3. ° The maximum energy that could be produced if the plant is running all the time i.e (day 24h).
    = Installed capacity× 24
    = 600MW
    4. The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule.
    ° Plant use factor=actual energy produce M Kwh÷ plant capacity× number of hour's that the plant has been in operation.
    0.8= average load×24h÷ Max energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running according to it's operation schedule(y)
    The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule(X) is 360MWh.

  18. Given parameters
    Maximum demand = 20MW
    Load factor =60%(0.6)
    Plant capacity factor =48% (0.48)
    Plant use factor =80%(0.8)
    1: for daily energy produced = average load ×24h
    Load factor = average load/max load. Where load factor=0.6, and max load =20MW
    Therefore: Average load = 0.6×20=12000kW
    Daily energy produced= 12000×24=288000kWh
    2: the reserved capacity= installed capacity - max load.
    Installed capacity = average load /plant capacity factor. I.e 12/0.48= 25000kW
    Therefore: reserved capacity= 25000- 20000= 5000kW
    3: The max. energy produced daily when the plant run all the time = installed capacity × 24h
    25000×24= 600000kWhr
    4: plant use factor = actual energy produced /plant use factor
    = 360MWh

    1. Adegun03
      Load factor = 0.6
      Max. demand =20 MW
      Plant use factor = 0.8
      Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
      Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
      = 0.6 × 20000
      = 12,000 kW
      P.C.F = Average load/Installed capacity
      Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

      = 1200÷0.48

      = 25000 kW

      Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
      = 25000-20000
      = 5000 kW

      Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
      = 12000 × 24
      = 288000 kWhr

      Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

      = 600000 kWhr
      Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

      = 288000/0.8

      = 360000 kWhr

  19. Given;

    Maximum demand of a generating station=20MW
    Load factor of the generating station= 60%= 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =48%=0.48
    Plant use factor of the generating station=80%=0.8

    1). For the daily energy produced
    Average load * 24hrs=0.6*20=12MW
    For the daily energy

    2).Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Although, installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW .

    3. The maximum energy that could be produced if the plant is running all the time i.e (day 24h).
    = Installed capacity× 24
    = 600MW.

    4 Maxi energy produced fully loaded if running per schedule = Actual energy produced/plant use factor = 288000kWh/0.8 = 360,000kWh

  20. Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr
    Sir I think creating the option to attach pictures would be easier because typing this wasn't easy��

  21. Load factor = 0.6
    Max. demand =20 MW
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    P.C.F = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200÷0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr

  22. Alade 12
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr


    http://astoldpost.blogspot.com/12 October 2019 at 09:21

    ADEYEMI0612 October 2019 at 03:58
    1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh


    Olusanya.4912 October 2019 at 06:12
    1. Formula for daily energy produced = average load * 24hrs.
    To get our avegate load we use, load factor = average load/ max load
    Where load factor is 0.6 and max load is 20MW, so
    Average load = 20 *0.6
    = 12MW.
    So daily energy produced is 12MW * 24h = 288MWh also 288,000kwh.

    2. Reserve capacity = installed capacity - max load

    Whereas installed capacity = average load/plant capacity factor
    So reserve capacity = 25 -20
    =5MW (5000kW)

    3. Maximum energy produced daily if the plant works all time is
    Installed capacity * 24hrs
    = 25MW * 24

    4. Plant use factor = actual energy produced / plant use factor
    = 288/0.8
    =360 MWh


    Afolabi.8812 October 2019 at 06:16
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr


    Olaleye.1012 October 2019 at 06:39
    Maximum demand =20 MW
    Load factor = 0.6
    Plant capacity factor =0.48
    Plant use factor = 0.8
    Load factor = Average load/Maximum demand
    Average demand = Load factor × Maximum demand
    = 0.6 × 20000
    = 12,000 kW
    Plant Capacity factor = Average load/Installed capacity
    Installed Capacity = Average demand/Plant capacity Factor

    = 1200/0.48

    = 25000 kW

    Reserve Capacity of the plant = Installed capacity – Maximum Demand
    = 25000-20000
    = 5000 kW

    Daily energy produced =Average Demand × 24
    = 12000 × 24
    = 288000 kWhr

    Energy/day corresponding to installed capacity = 25000×24

    = 600000 kWhr
    Maximum energy that could be produced = Actual energy produced/Plant use factor

    = 288000/0.8

    = 360000 kWhr


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